Beauty Re-defined
As we continue along all of our journeys, we are constantly in search of the best products and trends in the beauty community. Some of the best products out there come from community inspired companies who love to involve their customers in their new designs and products.
One of our newest products have taken a complete redesign based on your inputs and suggestions. Elite Butterfly Beauty Lashes are here to stay! From the great selections you enjoyed including the elegant Eyeliner Glue Pens to match. Grab your lashes in over 10 different styles and fashions.
One of our partnerships reside with Beauty Creations. Founded by Esmeralda Hernandez in 2016, the beauty essentials we all need can be found in all of their products. From their vast selection of Flawless Stay Foundations and Primers, you can begin with a superb set of foundations that will match your skin with perfection. Recent collaborations with EvetteXO, Luis Torres, Murillo Twins, and Anette69 brings out the best beauty shades and colors we all thrive to have in a quick moment.
Can’t wait for upcoming summer selections? Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to get more information as we get closer to releasing great product options from many of our partnerships with Beauty Creations, Bebella, LA Girl, LA Color, Lurella and Elite Butterfly Beauty. In the meantime, feel free to check out our website and our partnerships' websites below.